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Serra Keto spawn and no baton

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Bug Type (server/forum): Server

Severity level (1-3): For my spawn the severity is 2 but for the baton seeing as i'm a temple guard the severity would be a 3 for me.

Evidence (if you can):

Description of the bug: I suppose this isn't necessarily a bug but this is where i was told to put this. Seeing as I'm spawning in the CC room sometimes even the admin sit room as not only a Jedi but a named Jedi, you can see how this might be rather frustrating when i die seeing as i now have to either walk or cheat and fly to the Temple Guard bunks to pretend i spawned there.  I think we can all agree that the fact that i don't have a baton is a problem seeing as Serra Ketos 2 choices for a battalion/branch both have batons. This is only made worse by the fact that I'm the overseer of my branch and i don't even have a baton. Any time i need someone arrested i have to call one of my Temple Guards and wait for them to get there which by the time they do the person i need arrested has already put an entire clip into me before realizing that it wont work and now they are running away.

How can we recreate it: Set my spawn to the Temple Guard bunks and give me a baton.


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