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Staff Report on Death Tiger


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RP Name: BigZach

Steam ID: Steam:124321267

Staff member you are reporting: DeathTiger

Staff Members Steam ID (If applicable): STEAM:{:234637

Staff Members Wrong-Doing: Spawned in cloak device, smh my head.

Explain the situation: He did it. He then went to uh oh stinky poo poo.

Evidence (If applicable): It's believable already.

  • Winner 1


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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1 minute ago, Deathtiger said:

I did not say that and I give myself the cloaking device so I can no clip around and not get yelled at or look dumb flying around the map.


You event admit it, your death shall be quick and painless.

  • Funny 1


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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Head Admin

This is dumb

  • Agree 1

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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