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Soccers Staff App


Soccers Staff App  

22 members have voted

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Title of Thread:  CWRP - (Name) Staff Application

RP Name: TR ST MSG Soccer

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:75099830

VIP (Y/N):  Yes

Age: 16

Timezone: GMT

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):  I want to be Staff because, i want to help out when there is no other staff members really active. I also have been Co-owner in a old Star wars RP which died Because, the owner became broke. I have also have been High staff and or staff in general on different servers.  I feel like i have what you guys need to help this  server and make it enjoyable. I also can bring ton  more energy and discipline to the server. I want everyone to have a good and fun time on this server because i know i want to make that happen. i also want to help this server grow to the best it can

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I have a ton of energy i give out. i hate it when people make it so people cant have fun. I am a fun guy and i only want the best for the server and to help it grow.

Do you have any previous staff experience? yes

How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? (You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in-game playtime on the server to apply for new admin. Make a staff ticket in the game so that you can figure out your playtime if you think you are close) 1399:20:37.

Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: (If so specify which one) no i haven't

Edited by Soccer
Transfered into ST
  • Funny 1
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  • 187th WO (Former)
  • 501st PLTL hawk (Former)
  • 501st COL (Former)
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Thx elijah

Edited by Soccer
  • Current:
  • CG Commander
  • CG Regimental Lead
  • Diplomatic Service Lead Stone
  • Naval Petty Officer 
  • Naval Zak
  • Jedi Master
  • Admin
  • Former:
  • 187th COL (Former)
  • 187th PLTL (Former)
  • 187th WO (Former)
  • 501st PLTL hawk (Former)
  • 501st COL (Former)
  • TRO (Former)
  • Game Master  (Former)
  • Senior Admin (Former)
  • GC Reed (Former)
  • CT (Former)
  • Temple Guard Lead (Former)
  • Serra Keto (Former)
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-1 uhh yeesh im not sure bout now but you used to be mingy af in the 501st you were constantly being PTd and getting in trouble and even got to the point of demotion and tbh i know this is a bit nitpicky but the app seems really rushed although it meets the requirments and there really isnt alot to it

Hi I’m Pot

Current/Former: Child

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I haven't had many bad experiences with you, that being said i would probably still need more to justify giving you a rating based on personality. The main problem with your app is that it lacks "meat" to it, it's mostly bare bones information, go into depth on the things your care about and show why you are a great choice for staff. Anyone can just say things, but you have to believe them in order for it to feel genuine, and to do that go deeper into your answers and squeeze all the information you can get out of them.

On 10/21/2019 at 5:25 PM, Soccer said:

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I have a ton of energy i give out. i hate it when people make it so people cant have fun. I am a fun guy and i only want the best for the server and to help it grow.

There is way more to you than just this, they say a little about yourself, but go nuts (just cause it is 3 sentences minimum, doesn't mean you do the minimum)

I know that you could do good as staff if given the chance, but first earn it with a solid app and a respectful attitude (if people don't see good conduct coming from you, that is).




Master of the Order Mace Windu (Current) | DU VET Sergeant (Current) | Mas Amedda (Former) | 327th Battalion Commander Bly (Former)

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Head Admin

Your staff application has been accepted for interview

Contact an HA by  11/3/2019 or you will be denied

// Locked

// Moved to pending

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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