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Synyster - 181st Lends A Hand


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Name: Synyster

Who helped (If applicable): Quill, Skip, Samuel, Spaghetti

Event Name: 181st Lends A Hand

Summary of the story: The 181st Armored Division had a scheduled training with the troops of Anaxes Base, showing off their new Armored TX-130 Tanks. They did extensive testing on scrapped vehicles, showing their new Armor Dissolving Rounds. Just when the testing was completing, the CIS had sent an orbital strike team to assault and disrupt the base. The droids only knew they were going to be there due to successfully stealing troop movement plans from the previous day.

What was the result of the event?: The CIS successfully disrupted the 181st and their performance testing, but failed to do any effective damage.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both



Ex-DU CMD/XO - Wrote the lore for the original Havoc Squad members, it’s nbd 🥱 - Just your friendly neighborhood fucktard 

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