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CWRP - Demon Staff Application (Waived by loopy)


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RP Name:104th JT SGT Demon

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:441332235

VIP (Y/N): No



Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):Living in the Philippines means i have a different timezone as everyone so that means less events i want to make small events/encounters for the people in my timezone so they wont get bored. As staff i promise i wont minge and i will do my job as staff like doing tickets helping peoples problems i am responsible enough for staff am i willing to take it. I want new people to have a great experience here in synergy and i want them to create memories with this server. I love this server and i want to support it more thats why i decided to apply for staff and help the server grow further. If i feel tired and can't make a event/encounter i will make little sims so they wont be just standing around doing nothing. I will also not forget about 104th i will do trainings for us and i will also not forget the other battalions i will also help them spawn droids and whitelist. I am dedicated on being staff and i can't wait to help people out and make small events for them to have fun.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):Well my name is Ethan i lived in the Philippines im in Grade 8. I grew up watching star wars and loving Captain Rex I love playing sports especially basketball but i quit because my new coach is just unexperienced and overall bad at coaching. I loved gaming and i play alot of game before i got addicted to gmod well one of thos games are csgo i spend alot of hours on that game before i played on gmod.

Do you have any previous staff experience?:No

How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? (You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in-game playtime on the server to apply for new admin. Make a staff ticket in the game so that you can figure out your playtime if you think you are close)  :| 104th JT SGT Demon has played for 291:23:52. |

Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: (If so specify which one): No

Edited by DDeviLL
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-1 i mean your a cool guy devil but especially in the TR program there is alot of things youve done that really dont make you look good when applying for staff | Point 1. I was shadowing your CC training on saturday i believe and i dont think you knew i was there and you RDMd one of the CCs you were training you then tried to lie in ooc saying you didnt until rocksteady pasted the kill log in chat and the CC also said you did it | Point 2.  The image below shows your TR resignation that was actually quite recent not even being a week ago your reason for resigning is you got pulled during an event and the CCs were mingy so you promptly left the program this shows me atleast that if you cant even keep your dedication to something like the TR program then you most likely cant keep any dedication to the staff team because we really dont want staff whom if they dont get their own way or are told to do something they dont want to do they just leave.

I really am sorry devil but i just dont think your ready give it time

Edited by Pot
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Hi I’m Pot

Current/Former: Child

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After seeing Pot's opinion, and evidence. As you start in the staff program (New Admin) you have no option but to go through the TR program, until you reach Admin, which then they give you the option to break off. In the mean time, what happens if you get mingy cc's, its bound, you can't just quit from TR, what happens if you get pulled? You signed up to be a trainer recruit, it shouldn't be a surprise if you get pulled. Training over Events. Especially when training cc's, why would you tell them the golden rule, and then break it, and then try and lie about it? That's just ignorant and shows lack of responsibility, and honesty, and those are so important when you hold that position of power.

All in all huge -1

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18 hours ago, Pot said:

-1 i mean your a cool guy devil but especially in the TR program there is alot of things youve done that really dont make you look good when applying for staff | Point 1. I was shadowing your CC training on saturday i believe and i dont think you knew i was there and you RDMd one of the CCs you were training you then tried to lie in ooc saying you didnt until rocksteady pasted the kill log in chat and the CC also said you did it | Point 2.  The image below shows your TR resignation that was actually quite recent not even being a week ago your reason for resigning is you got pulled during an event and the CCs were mingy so you promptly left the program this shows me atleast that if you cant even keep your dedication to something like the TR program then you most likely cant keep any dedication to the staff team because we really dont want staff whom if they dont get their own way or are told to do something they dont want to do they just leave.

I really am sorry devil but i just dont think your ready give it time

I understand my mistake thats my bad 

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+1 Good Luck

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Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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Head Admin

Your Staff Application has been DENIED

Please wait the full 30 days before applying or ask a HA to get waived. 

You may apply in 30 days 10/21/2019

// locked 

// moved to Denied

Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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