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Battle of Kamol


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Name: Rick

Who helped (If applicable):

Event Name:  Battle of Kamol

Summary of the story:  Republic Forces are deployed to a cold snowy place called Kamol in order to exterminate enemy forces and take back control of the area.  Troops are also tasked with capturing a senator and returning him safely.

What was the result of the event?:  The senator was brought back safely and the area was taken control of and all enemy forces were exterminated.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up



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While definitely by no means was it a bad event, it seemed as if there wasn't as much thought put into it as I've seen in the past. It was pretty short and a one-way push towards an objective. The escort section at the very end had little to no stakes to it. Even when we were struggling to remember where the FOB was, we weren't punished for this by giving us any obstacles. Had we known where we were going, we would have likely not faced any resistance whatsoever. 

There was also a bit of a fluke with the spawning at a few points as many droids were spawned in unfair places, or directly behind players without any rhyme or reason to their existence. Something I also have to nitpick in regards to enemies is the utilization of the Commando Droids. When I took a peek at the user list, I expected the Commandos to be snipers and was even  telling the new people to watch out for anything that might kill them in one shot, but instead they were running out in the open with a ridiculous amount of health/armor. I knew it was ridiculous because of the way two of them were being juggled in the air and still being alive once they landed... also any event that has to utilize the CT armor Commando Droid is kind of an automatic "eh" to me. Although had you used this as a ruse to get them back into place, it may have been interesting.

Then, lastly the objective was just made pointless towards the end with three failed assassination attempts on the Kaminoan -- only for them to just leap off to their death, apparently making us save someone with a very poor mental state. Which... admittedly didn't make sense as the actor playing the Kaminoan seemed to not want to die as they were following the instructions of the people trying to save them. If you were going to make us care about them just killing themselves, then you could have had them interact with us in a way that may have at least foreshadowed that. But instead it seems as if your story was streamlined and you really wanted it to go one way. Think about player choice in the future, that's what people like. Keeping that in mind, don't be afraid to take the wheel if you have to... it's all about finding that balance, I've seen.

Lastly, thank you for the deployment. I'm sure many of the battalions in the ES appreciated something to do. :)

The Reprehensible Ratio!



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