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Pot | The Prisoner problem


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Name: Pot 

Who helped (If applicable): Taco - Event Job | Atomic - Event Job | Clorox - Event Job | Cutlaw - Shadow

Event Name: The prisoner problem

Summary of the story: 2 trandos were banished from their clan and whilst fleeing theyre planet they kidnapped theyre clans cheif engineer with the intent to trade him for their safety they landed on anaxes and setup a temporary camp when one trando was captured and the prisoner taken the remaining trando made a deal with the CIS to pay them 5 million credits which in actuality he didnt have in exchange for them to send a fleet to the base and help him get his prisoner back

What was the result of the event?: the CIS was repelled and the trando whom called them killed same with the other whom comitted suicide during interrogation and the trandos prisoner was taken to coruscunt to create weapons for the republic

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em up

Hi I’m Pot

Current/Former: Child

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