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McNob- The Hive


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Who helped (If applicable): Joe(hosted event)

Event Name: The Hive

Summary of the story: 

Director Nemur, a high ranking CIS tactical droid, sent a Hologram message to the marshal commander, informing him about a deadly bio weapon he had created called Hive. He asked the Marshal Commander to try and find the weapon and destroy it, saying he would send down two droids to assist the clones. Later, a trooper commsed in that he found something, and screamed into his comms and went silent. He later returns to the base, and promptly fainted. The Medical Droids took the body of the clone to the medical bay for examination, but determined that they need a sample from Hive’s Mind Core to create the antiserum. The clone fought their way through the caves to get to the mind core and managed to get a sample. They returned to base, and managed to get the sample to the medical droids and they created the antiserum. The clone then fought back through the caves, and managed to inject the antiserum into the Mind Core, destroying Hive once and for all.

What was the result of the event?: Hive Destroyed, Nemur sent files related to Hive and it's creation to the Republic

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: RP



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