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Spoof's Admin Application


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RP Name: TR 501st MED CSM Spoof

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:144678532

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Timezone: EST

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I wish to help the community in any way possible be it answering every cc whitelist be it watching cc room for any cc shhoters be it anything. When i get on in the morning sometimes there isnt staff to whitelist CC's iv seen it where someone trained 4 CC's but there were no active staff to whitelist any of them and id like to help solve that problem. If during an event CC's need training or whitelisting ill be there its my goal in life to help people and i love doing it and dont mind doing it. People like Koval are why i want to be staff because he does nothing but help people and get rid of the minge's and such to help the community and players in any way possible thats the kind of admin i wish to be. Im generally on for 12+ hours a day unless i have something to do that day or im afk for maybe an hour to go work out a bit otheriwse im extremely active on the server. If its possible id like to make the community grow in the best way possible. so from 8am est till 11pm est i will most likely be on and willing to help in any way i can from getting people unstuck from moonpool to getting them out of walls im willing to help. If i need to elaborate on anything please feel free to ask.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): My Name is Tristin I live in Georgia, USA. Iv been playing video games for about 12 years or so now and i generally enjoy helping people when I can with the best of my abilities. I use to play alot of unturned with a big group of friends but it just got boring and we all quit so i decided to try GMod out and ended up joining the server and have fun with the community ever since. Im mostly just looking to help the Community so that others have a good time on the server like i have. One day i will be joining the air force with something to do with technology since i have a good understanding of it and dable a little in coding. If you have any other questions feel free to ask.

Do you have any previous staff experience? I have been a staff member on 2 unturned servers before coming to G Mod and it was a great experience its just sad that the owners were only in it for the money so the servers didnt last but a few months but most players liked me as an admin and iv been invited to be an admin on a few other servers for it.

If you leave a -1 please give a reason why and i will fix or answer anything i can to the best of my ability's and have a nice day thank you for reading.

Current: CG MED SFC Spoof | Navy MEDM PO2 Spoof | Hunter Kravchenko | Jedi Master CG TGL Spoof
Prior: (2017) 104th MED CPL Spoof | CG MEDL LT Spoof | 501st CSM Spoof | 187th JT 2ndLT Spoof | 21st MED 2ndLT Spoof | (2019) 91st MEDL Lightning squad LTC Spoof | DU MED SGT Spoof | 104th MED SGT Spoof

$ Didn't ask $


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2 hours ago, Medic said:

oi spoof, where in Georgia? I'm in Atlanta

LaGrange South of Franklin and Grantville

Current: CG MED SFC Spoof | Navy MEDM PO2 Spoof | Hunter Kravchenko | Jedi Master CG TGL Spoof
Prior: (2017) 104th MED CPL Spoof | CG MEDL LT Spoof | 501st CSM Spoof | 187th JT 2ndLT Spoof | 21st MED 2ndLT Spoof | (2019) 91st MEDL Lightning squad LTC Spoof | DU MED SGT Spoof | 104th MED SGT Spoof

$ Didn't ask $


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8 hours ago, Medic said:

oh lordy. 

lmao is that good or bad

Current: CG MED SFC Spoof | Navy MEDM PO2 Spoof | Hunter Kravchenko | Jedi Master CG TGL Spoof
Prior: (2017) 104th MED CPL Spoof | CG MEDL LT Spoof | 501st CSM Spoof | 187th JT 2ndLT Spoof | 21st MED 2ndLT Spoof | (2019) 91st MEDL Lightning squad LTC Spoof | DU MED SGT Spoof | 104th MED SGT Spoof

$ Didn't ask $


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19 minutes ago, Medic said:

You're far as hell

nah its not that long of a drive

Current: CG MED SFC Spoof | Navy MEDM PO2 Spoof | Hunter Kravchenko | Jedi Master CG TGL Spoof
Prior: (2017) 104th MED CPL Spoof | CG MEDL LT Spoof | 501st CSM Spoof | 187th JT 2ndLT Spoof | 21st MED 2ndLT Spoof | (2019) 91st MEDL Lightning squad LTC Spoof | DU MED SGT Spoof | 104th MED SGT Spoof

$ Didn't ask $


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