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Candle/Fallout and Armas Event


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Name: Fallout/Candle

Who helped (If applicable): Arma (GH/GM) ,Razen,Shroomie,Slain, Scribbles (Shadow)

Event Name:Darth Maul and Savage Opress Revenge!

Summary of the story: DM and SO deployed Deathwatch to the planet to kill as many republic personel as possible. He scrambled fighters to kill clones and other pilots. Next after the fighters were done SO and DM Invaded The Jedi Temple and killed many Jedi before having to leave. DM and SO Needed To escape which DM Did. SO Did not and was captured

What was the result of the event?: SO was captured by the Sith and DM Escaped

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot. Em. Up.

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