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Lew's Staff Application


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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:147748113



Timezone:GMT - Uk 

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I wish to be an administrator due to the fact that I'm quite a active player and feel that I could be doing a lot more for the community as a staff member. As ive said in my timezone , I'm british and me being on when theres only around 40 people with no staff members is not too good , I could be that staff member to keep the riff raff out and under control. I also want to be a staff member because I enjoy helping people on a day to day basis and I feel becoming a staff member would applicate me to do that more in a better way. Last but not least I want to be an administrator because I have come to know a lot of people on this server and in the long run I don't think it would hurt to be in staff , just telling it how it is. 

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):I'm in my 4th year of highschool attempting to get 5 GSCE's so I can move onto attempting to join the Constabulary in my area. I'm quite a lonely lad , I enjoy coming onto Synergy and spending my evening hours having fun and progressing on the server. I consider myself quite a honest guy , If I was even attempting to keep a lie , I begin to feel ill af , So I'm honest most of the time.

Do you have any previous staff experience? Yes , I have 2000 hrs on arma 3 , I spent a lot of the time there Rising through the staff ranks in a server , I went from Mod to CM in about 8 months 

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-1 sorry but ive seen you get pretty mad in OOC and you cant handle situations when you get mad... this is a horrible attribute if you are a staff member and would look very bad on you it seems like you take things too far and cannot control it so with this i am going to have to -1 Good Luck

-Fido Current VA

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-1 I have seen this player in game and honestly, he doesn't amount to anything that he has put in the reason of why he wants to be an admin. I have seen him constantly flaming other players when they try to dispute what he says, and the only one being hostile is him. Several people can tell hi to stop and even when he is arrested he keeps going. 

This is not a good trait for someone who "enjoys helping people on a day to day basis."

Edited by Creator
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  • Coordinator

-1 Your a good guy and all but most times you let your anger control your actions which isnt really good for staff, Multiple times in chat ive seen you argue and yell at people for something they didnt mean to do or anything otherwise

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-1 Lew I have been higher staff on other servers along with owning community's in the past. Through my experience with you I feel I need to put it out there that I do not expect favoritism because of the fact I am a girl. But at the same time I do not appreciate the hate I receive from you because you think others are showing me favoritism. Other people actions should not reflect on your attitude towards another person.

Edited by Kirara
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I don't think someone who has problems dealing with their anger is fit to be staff. It's just not a good trait to have. It's especially concerning when you use OOC chat to lash out at people who don't have anything to do with what made you mad in the first place. There are better ways to deal with that anger than lashing out at innocent members of the community.

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-1 for the reasons people have stated above. When you join a community, first impressions are important. If the first thing people see from you is arguing and getting really angry over OOC, even if you're in the right, will seem wrong. I advised you at that time to take it to PMS/forums/elsewhere besides OOC. That way you can organize your debate with context instead of looking like a keyboard warrior in front of the all server. 


Take some time time to learn more about the community, its players, improve yourself.

Edited by Jagger

"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end." 

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him." 



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-1 From what i have seen he has an attitude of my way or the high way. And for staff i dont think that would be useful, plus how he has rdmed and when he was in my reg for 1 DAY ONLY ONE we had to kick him out for harassment anger issues and rdming other regiments and from what i have heard from ZaP this guy is harassing him also, i wouldn't recommend this person to be staff.

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