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The Holocron no one knows about

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Name: Liquid

Who helped (If applicable): Joe and Hawky

Event Name: The Holocron no one knows about

Summary of the story:

The Jedi were the first to enter the cave system and confront the Sith spirit guarding the Holocron, whilst in battle with the spirit, the Sith Empire arrived also having the goal to take the holocron. At first, the main goal of both factions was to take out the spirit and release the ritual that seemed to be protecting the holocron.

Unfortunately some lower ranking members of the Jedi order and Sith empire decided to attack eachother instead of teaming up against the spirit. Thus once the spirit was defeated and the ritual lifted, releasing the holocron. The Jedi and Sith began fighting each other whilst Kit Fisto and Luminara Unduli took the holocron attempting to leave, without knowing that two Sith assassins were following them in hot pursuit.

Once out of the cave system, an epic battle took place in which saw the defeat and escape of master Fisto and master Unduli, leaving the Sith to take the holocron.

What was the result of the event?: Sith won and brought it back to temple and were attacked by infected dead sith/

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Passive turned into shoot'em up



Edited by SRLiquid
Forseen gave the rest of it thank you FOrseen

Former: Tiplee, TC Ayar, Chief of Communications Coburn (Assisted with creating ATC)                                                                               
Current: Master Eeth Koth

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  • Retired Founder
2 minutes ago, SRLiquid said:

Summary of the story: Sith and Jedi are sent to go and graba holocron but the sith take it and reveal its secrets and become shocked with the ending result that comes with opening the holocron. As infected dead sith return and attack the Sith as they try to read and grab the knowledge within the holocron.

This isn't really a good summary of what happened, and you left half way through your event to eat dinner which is probably why you only have pieces of the story.

The Jedi were the first to enter the cave system and confront the Sith spirit guarding the Holocron, whilst in battle with the spirit, the Sith Empire arrived also having the goal to take the holocron. At first, the main goal of both factions was to take out the spirit and release the ritual that seemed to be protecting the holocron.

Unfortunately some lower ranking members of the Jedi order and Sith empire decided to attack eachother instead of teaming up against the spirit. Thus once the spirit was defeated and the ritual lifted, releasing the holocron. The Jedi and Sith began fighting each other whilst Kit Fisto and Luminara Unduli took the holocron attempting to leave, without knowing that two Sith assassins were following them in hot pursuit.

Once out of the cave system, an epic battle took place in which saw the defeat and escape of master Fisto and master Unduli, leaving the Sith to take the holocron.


(This is what you missed.)

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Just now, Forseen said:

This isn't really a good summary of what happened, and you left half way through your event to eat dinner which is probably why you only have pieces of the story.

The Jedi were the first to enter the cave system and confront the Sith spirit guarding the Holocron, whilst in battle with the spirit, the Sith Empire arrived also having the goal to take the holocron. At first, the main goal of both factions was to take out the spirit and release the ritual that seemed to be protecting the holocron.

Unfortunately some lower ranking members of the Jedi order and Sith empire decided to attack eachother instead of teaming up against the spirit. Thus once the spirit was defeated and the ritual lifted, releasing the holocron. The Jedi and Sith began fighting each other whilst Kit Fisto and Luminara Unduli took the holocron attempting to leave, without knowing that two Sith assassins were following them in hot pursuit.

Once out of the cave system, an epic battle took place in which saw the defeat and escape of master Fisto and master Unduli, leaving the Sith to take the holocron.


(This is what you missed.)

Thank you for continuing the summary

Former: Tiplee, TC Ayar, Chief of Communications Coburn (Assisted with creating ATC)                                                                               
Current: Master Eeth Koth

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It didn't feel all that organised the wanting people to switch from their jedi to their sith so they would be equal numbers wasn't that great there was a lot of awkward waiting at the beginning not having all the Event jobs sorted before the deployment then we went to collect the holocron killed the sith guarding it ran off with it killed other sith then event over I'm not sure what really to take away from all that I understand that you then crashed but the event didn't feel like it was leading anywhere in the first place other than it being capture the flag with kill the sith spirit to get the holocron fight the normal sith and run of with the holocron the Jedi get stopped by a admin for a chat sith kills the Jedi gets the holocron runs off then event over at least that was my experience so I am not sure what else to say or really rate.

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1 minute ago, Scarecrow said:

It didn't feel all that organised the wanting people to switch from their jedi to their sith so they would be equal numbers wasn't that great there was a lot of awkward waiting at the beginning not having all the Event jobs sorted before the deployment then we went to collect the holocron killed the sith guarding it ran off with it killed other sith then event over I'm not sure what really to take away from all that I understand that you then crashed but the event didn't feel like it was leading anywhere in the first place other than it being capture the flag with kill the sith spirit to get the holocron fight the normal sith and run of with the holocron the Jedi get stopped by a admin for a chat sith kills the Jedi gets the holocron runs off then event over at least that was my experience so I am not sure what else to say or really rate.

Wanted to make it as equal as possible for both sides some had more numbers then others but thank you for your input

Former: Tiplee, TC Ayar, Chief of Communications Coburn (Assisted with creating ATC)                                                                               
Current: Master Eeth Koth

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4/10 and here is why:

The deployment was honestly useless. All that was to do is to go into the cave kill some Jedi or Sith and spirits take the holocron back to your spawn point. Then it got more messed up when the Game Master went AFK mid event and it got to the point where everyone said " You know what, Im going back to main." The event later transferred to main where whoever it was went on Sith Lord with a trial saber, had sith fight each other for a holocron. But what pissed me off was the point which me and another person tried killing said event job and someone came to our channel saying that said event job had more health then what was allowed. Said event job also was using force whirlwind mid fight, spamming force lightning, and spamming force reflect; which really isn't fair to the people who are fighting the event job. All of this just so we can get information from a holocron. And that was the event. 

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