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Another scientist dead

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Name: Liquid

Who helped (If applicable): Maverik

Event Name: Another scientist dead

Summary of the story: A Republic Scientist is making a cure for ragoul infections, but Cad bane is there trying to assasinate him and stop the cure from taking place. Plus he has a Bounty on his head as well. Mandos work with Bane to kill the Scientist and kills him.

What was the result of the event?: Cad bane escapes and scientist Dies by mandos

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot'em up



  • Agree 1

Former: Tiplee, TC Ayar, Chief of Communications Coburn (Assisted with creating ATC)                                                                               
Current: Master Eeth Koth

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It's a 2/10 here.

First of all, it started with you not even knowing which battalions to deploy with you wanting to send all of these other battalions with the two highest representatives from two others. This shows you didn't exactly have a plan for it to begin with and I don't really know what you had going through your head at the time.

Next, the briefing we received had little bearing on the actual event itself. We had to work off of you telling us about a riot which we were all struggling to find because you never told us where it was being held. A lot of us spent a good five minutes or so wondering and looking for the riot. The only thing that indicated we were close were the text screens you put up and the lack of frames.

The riot control we provided did little as event jobs would jump over heads regardless of our interference and at one point, we had one inside of the facility that we were guarding. While we're on that, the event job to player interaction was very limited and poorly done. I'm not saying I want an Oscar performance here, but that Karkarodon character was a good example of this. Rather than being worried about the sniper actively killing civilians and troopers, he was instead going on about the taxes. Realistically, if anyone were in that situation, they would probably drop the whole riot thing and probably would be experiencing hysteria.

The rakghouls seemed like an afterthought (although the AAR is suggesting otherwise). The reason being is that this doctor randomly injects the Karkarodon with the disease and he ends up zipping around killing everything he can. Speaking of this doctor character, what's his point anyway? Obviously he was trying to cure the rakghoul disease, but it was later found out that he was rotten. Why? It seemed to come out of nowhere just because Rancor decided to question him. Then, when Rancor attempts to detain him, he suddenly disappears despite there being no possible way he can. Troopers were surrounding him, how did he get out?

Also, why does someone want Cade Bane to stop the cure? What do the taxes have to do with the cure? Why is this type of cure being developed in a shady cityscape instead of the upper levels of Coruscant? What was with the last minute attack?

Paired with the events abrupt ending and lack of communications from the GM, we really did not know what to do and it left a lot of questions unanswered. I remember comms'ing in multiple times trying to get orders from the EJ General but never got anything at all. Also "we got what we came for"? What? What did we even get? What are we going to do about the city being under attack by Death Watch and Bane?

This was a mess. Probably from lack of time and planning on multiple accounts.

Also, please tell your event jobs to NOT jump over heads when surrounded.

  • Disagree 1
  • Winner 1

The Reprehensible Ratio!



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