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Soul's Game Maker Application


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Name:RP Name: TRM 212th SST IT LT Soul

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:53878237


How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]:

On synergy, since it was released to us. I played on Ice fuse for a couple of months before Synergy came out. I have a lot of hours clocked in on this server and I don't mind to keep the trend going. I love this server and everything that it stands for, its foundation on  why it was built. I want to see this server flourish and I want to be a bigger part in why it will flourish. I just need to be given some more tools to be able to make it the server that people want to log into everyday and enjoy the role play I divulge in everyday.


From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?:

I would say my knowledge of the Clone Wars is about an 8. I think that I have a decent understanding of the Clone Wars but I am always finding out new things everyday that I didn't know before. I want to keep expanding my knowledge of the Clone Wars because it was my favorite era in Star Wars. Where things were actually in a place were I was enjoying the series more than ever.


How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?:

I would say communication and leadership are two of greatest skills. Being a TRM shows that I am destined for a management position and I am able to lead people and be able to make compromises with people. I want to be the guy people want to go to because they respect my opinion and want to know what I think about their case. I want to help in any way possible and that is what makes me a great leader. I am also an officer in my battalion. I show, everyday, that I am capable of leading a large amount of people. I have to make decisions on the fly and they have to be decisions I live by so you better believe that every time I make one it is going to be something I support 100% even if it ends up being wrong and I will accept the punishment.

My communication skill is one of my strong suites. Making sure people know what I am doing and what my intentions are are the two most important things I try to convey when I am leading an event or trying to lead in any way possible. Making clear calls and letting people know where they are supposed to be is one of the best things you can do as a leader, being as vocal as possible without cluttering the communication up. Knowing when you have gotten the vital information out and making sure you aren't including any information that could be left out. If someone else has something to say that might change the flow of the fight is exactly why you need to have communication discipline. 


Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?:

Yes I understand that if I am inactive, my rank will be stripped from me and I agree with this policy.


Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce:

So the event starts out with a CIS Frigate entering from hyperspace. They advert they found a Venator and are reporting back to Grievous to see if he wants to take over the ship. For about 10 minutes, a massive amount of droids will be spawned on the ship and will be giving the troops a hard time. After the 10 minutes are up, Grievous is going to advert I am here to take over this military vessel! He is going to board the ship with himself, 3 Magnaguards, and 2 super battle droids. They are going to try and take over the venator by securing the 3rd floor and try to obtain engine room. IF they are successful, the event will turn into a 1 life event, where all clones will not be able to comeback after they are killed. If the clones are not successful in taking back the third floor, then Grievous will have taken over the ship. IF this does happen, Grievous is going to advert " Retreat Droids, our CIS Frigates are being attacked! We must retreat! We have been caught in a trap! I knew it wouldn't be this easy!". Then Grievous leaves with what 1 magnaguard that is left. He leaves the two magnaguard droids and super battle droids on the ship and everyone is to clear the ship for any hostiles. 

We could continue after this event is over and follow Grievous. RC is to say they left a tracking beacon installed onto the magnaguard that grievous took with him. We jump into hyperspace and follow the CIS Frigate and we are right next to them. Grievous then has to abandon his ship and takes his-self and the magnaguard off the ship and begin to try and re-takeover the ship. They are going to be spawning droids for about 10 minutes with grievous and the magnaguard droid. Count Dooku is going to come and help Grievous out with some more droids to reinforce the droids. They are to try and takeover the ship but with no success. Then their bodies will be disposed off. 


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I'm going to be very blunt. I feel that anyone who is proposing to be a gamemaker, you really should try to be as original as possible. Now, that being said, you do have the interesting aspect of adding the one-life event aspect, but everything else is unoriginal. There isn't a reason, a motive, a story or anything. If you want to propose an event to something like game maker, make it really in detail. Have something that pleases both sides; incredible roleplay and incredible firefights. Don't just limit yourself to an idea on the venator, you can think of one of the event maps. 

So, until I see change in it, I will give a...


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Especially how what we need the most for the server is roleplay. We don't need more shoot 'em ups. We need original ideas with stories that are flexible and really intrigue people. AND NOT PEOPLE WHO JUST SUDDENLY HAVE PERMISSION TO COME ABOARD THE SHIP.

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