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Scribbles - Missing Master Holocron Part 2

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Name: Scribbles 

Who helped (If applicable): Elijah

Event Name: Missing master holocron part 2

Summary of the story: Jedi had found a piece of the location pertaining to the missing whereabouts of the master holocron was, and the force guided them accordingly. To an unknown planet, that was neutral, inhabited by revanous spawns of the darkside and merencarys alike, they stumbled upon a temple, that needed 4 pieces to unlock it. They went through virogourus, mind boggling and trials by combat to end up succeeding, however the last piece was in a lake of acid, only surrounded by scavengers, the Jedi had to negotiate alongside them to get it out, however in a succession mishap the jedi got friendly and became allies with the scavengers to retrieve the piece. 

What was the result of the event?: Jedi found the master holocron and it was retrieved back to the temple, after the retrieved all the pieces. 

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Roleplaying, but shooting to not be boring. 

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