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Marvel - Reactivated Training Droids


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Name: Marvel

Who helped (If applicable): Greek, Trad, Tinovious

Event Name: Reactivated Training Droids

Summary of the story: A box fell off a shelf causing an explosion that reactivated four B1 Training Droids. The droids woke up with no memory of what happened but they knew one thing. They did not like the Citadel. Eventually Clones went to investigate and they tried to hide but they're pretty loud and sucked at hiding. The Clones then checked the droids out and took them to Brig. There they took the droid's datachips and analysed them. They found out that the droids were pretty damaged and decided to repair them and set them up for a nice Simulation. 

What was the result of the event?: The Training Droids turned on the Clones and attempted to escape the Base. The Clones hunted them down and dismantled them or returned a few to the storage room and wiped their memory.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Roleplay at first. Last bit was a little shoot em up.



Anyone Know or Can Make This A Live Background : r/halo

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