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Operation Dogma Part 2

Loopy Newby

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Name: Loopy

Who helped (If applicable): Staff: Killjoy,Techno and ragen.

Event Name: Operation Dogma Part 2

Summary of the story: 

The battle was hard fought and the artifact was secure but a unrelenting force is preventing it from moving from its position causing the Jedi and the republic order a fresh batch of forces to prep for retaliation from the enemy but it never came. Atleast not in the way they thought, the Sith empire has moved to engage the republic and to grab the artifact and hold it in there collection to build there overwhelming strength. Of course the republic isn’t going to give up without a fight and the Jedi plan to keep it in there possession.


What was the result of the event?: The sith captured the artifact and the republic lost many men as well as the sith

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: started with roleplay ended in shoot em up

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10/10 it was good even tho the crashing happened


  • Friendly 1

Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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9/10 I had a lot of fun (even thou I was a hopeful and didn't really fight). The Capture the flag was really good, I haven't seen that in an event before and it was really fun. It was a little annoying that some people were metagaming, but overall it didn't really affect the event.


Keep up the good work, and can't wait for the next event!

  • Friendly 1

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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Honestly, this is one of the worst events I've been apart of recently.

  1. There was no reason we should have let those 'civilians' into the room with the Holocron. If they really were who they said they were, we would have know about them beforehand, they would not have just dropped in like some high school kid that was late to a party.
  2. The only reason that they were allowed in is because this 'Commander' of the GAR just happened to get brainwashed for the purpose of the event, there was no player choice involved in that what so ever, and the entirety of the event hinged on that moment so I guess it makes sense, but there are HELLA better ways to make it happen.
  3. Maybe unpopular opinion, Sith are fucking aids. I've never had a good interaction with Sith in an event like this that forces them to interact. This point is kinda biased as I absolutely despise Sith, they get so many exceptions to rules and some of the rules regarding interaction with Sith as Clone are super unclear and get Clones in trouble needlessly. Fuck any form of Force Lightning/Lightning Strike, all they do is spam it.
  4. That vehicle you used to kill the LAAT is notoriously OP and shreds any other vehicle. There was 0 chance for that LAAT to do anything about it. Bad choice.

Idk how the event ended, as it was so unbearable I didn't really care to finish it.

I'd give this a 3/10 at best

  • Friendly 1
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4 minutes ago, Baxter said:

Honestly, this is one of the worst events I've been apart of recently.

  1. There was no reason we should have let those 'civilians' into the room with the Holocron. If they really were who they said they were, we would have know about them beforehand, they would not have just dropped in like some high school kid that was late to a party.
  2. The only reason that they were allowed in is because this 'Commander' of the GAR just happened to get brainwashed for the purpose of the event, there was no player choice involved in that what so ever, and the entirety of the event hinged on that moment so I guess it makes sense, but there are HELLA better ways to make it happen.
  3. Maybe unpopular opinion, Sith are fucking aids. I've never had a good interaction with Sith in an event like this that forces them to interact. This point is kinda biased as I absolutely despise Sith, they get so many exceptions to rules and some of the rules regarding interaction with Sith as Clone are super unclear and get Clones in trouble needlessly. Fuck any form of Force Lightning/Lightning Strike, all they do is spam it.
  4. That vehicle you used to kill the LAAT is notoriously OP and shreds any other vehicle. There was 0 chance for that LAAT to do anything about it. Bad choice.

Idk how the event ended, as it was so unbearable I didn't really care to finish it.

I'd give this a 3/10 at best

I understand completely and will take your critque's to heart and I will try to address the problems.
1. They should've been forced out but the sith were roleplaying that they were apart of the republic's grand army as mercs {there decision not mine} and the DU reasonably rped to let them through.
2. When I was acting like comm's I did rolls to check the papers and the ID to make sure it was legit, The name was only used for the sith briefing and not actually for a rp sense so I acted like a normal commander.
3. I do not control the sith nor do I make the rules I'm deeply sorry you had a bad experience with them.
4. The escape vehicles were not meant to be destroyed and I crashed so I was unable to supervise the event like I desire but I take full blame for this and accept responsibility.

I'm sorry you did not have a good time and I hope this does not sour you to my future events and encounters. Please have a good day - Loopy

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2 hours ago, Baxter said:


  1. That vehicle you used to kill the LAAT is notoriously OP and shreds any other vehicle. There was 0 chance for that LAAT to do anything about it. Bad choice.

Just for some context, the Sith didn't 1 shot the LAAT, it was damaged before it took off. Any weapon would have blown it up.

  • Friendly 1

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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