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RP Name: CFN

Steam ID: I don’t have it right no I’ll edit when I get home

Suspected Player's Name: @COC4IN3

Suspected Player's Steam ID (If applicable): Don’t know

Rule Suspected Player Broke: Witch Hunting on Forums

Explain to us what happened: I’m gonna be real and not try to play nice, I resigned not to long ago and all I do now is stay active on the four,s. This dude Cocaine says stupid shit on the forums and when you dumb his shit he will come after your posts and dumb everything. At first I didn’t care cause I can give two shits bout my rep but he has done it to multiple people.

Evidence (If applicable): His activity feed

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I think he's saying that Coc4in3 has a habit of mass downvoting when people don't agree with him. I noticed he did that with me a few weeks ago when I disagreed with one of his suggestions (for the record I don't care, I'm neutral in this, just trying to give context)

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|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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Listen, you're the one that keeps looking at my profile and finding out what I am replying to and dumbing my post's, if you look at your profile I don't even really look at yours. I have maybe once or twice but I never actually dumbed your post due to it.  Now you're trying to cause trouble with me for no reason and its stirring something up in the pot. I can see why you can't be staff. I have told you and several people to dm me either with teamspeak or forums and guess what, nobody does except from one that actually had the audacity to speak to me about it. That guy gets my respect. You on the other hand  is causing trouble for no reason at all and constantly dumbing my post's. Theres no witch hunting involved with any of this and I will be speaking to a higher-up about this as it is doing my absolute head in. 


All you're doing is simply following a band waggon here... I have dumbed other peoples dumb post because that's what I feel , like is it against the law to express how I feel? Its not, so calling this witch hunting is completely bizarre. When I told you to stop you still insisted to give me a dumb rating for no reason and did I do a dumb rating afterwards? NOPE. I'm sorry but you need to stop with this shit storm, I don't know you and you don't know me. I have always said, speak to me in DM's, maybe we can come to an understanding more clearer. 

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2 minutes ago, Tyzen said:

Bro didn't you leave the server fuck out of here seriously

As well you have no idea what a witch hunt is all of us know what it looks like from the old days

bro, I remember those days.. I never want to go back there lol

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Ight let me see your logic. 

1. Find a guy on forums that dumbs stuff. 

2. Watch him dumbing other people too. 

3. Make an player report. 

Hmmmm. Since when sharing opinion is not allowed? 

-1 @COC4IN3 didn't do anything wrong. His allowed to share his opinion. 

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First and only Polish Director:pepeSheesh:

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Lmao I did leave, sorry but I like reporting people who get butthurt on the forums and revenge downvote, and if I cared about my rep I wouldn’t have made this post omegalul 

1 hour ago, Tyzen said:

Bro didn't you leave the server fuck out of here seriously

As well you have no idea what a witch hunt is all of us know what it looks like from the old days


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4 minutes ago, CrazyFastNight said:

Lmao I did leave, sorry but I like reporting people who get butthurt on the forums and revenge downvote, and if I cared about my rep I wouldn’t have made this post omegalul 


its fucking rep who the fuck cares about someone down voting someone you literally have no idea what a witch hunt is on this server. Literally if coc4in3 was witch hunting you we would know but he literally only down voted you like one time because he didn't agree with you on something, You literally need to chill and just stop coming on the forums cause obviously you can't handle someone just dumbing your post when they disagree with your opinion.

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