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Not Adding Back 187th V2


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Name: Logic | Gree

This is not a normal suggestion so please read it all


Joah has recently announced that 187th will be added back and a battalion will get removed. Normally this would be fine, but he took a community vote, because this isn’t icefuse, so he gave the community a voice, at my current time typing this there is 82 yesses in that poll. Now yes that IS a substantial amount, until you look at the Nos. One Hundred and Twenty. That is almost 150% the amount of yesses. And yet, joah took this vote and said fuck it we’re adding it back. 

Because “By the players, For the players” 

why to add it back: I’ve looked through alot of the comments and heres what I saw. 

-Makes a small amount of players happy

-Replaces a struggling battalion

-brings back some old members


thats basically what I saw.


Why NOT to add it back: 

-Because the players don’t want it back

-Because it will empty out members from battalions that are struggling or recovering. Making them all in the same position as the battalion that is getting removed

-It has 2 lines of Lore

-It will destroy 2nd AC because they lose their uniqueness

-our recruits are already spread so thin that the upset balance 187th will make can destroy the future for other battalions

-Because there is other ways to fix the issues in the struggling battalion that you plan on removing other than complete removal. 

-The people who wanted to add it back had no valid reason other than “I miss it”


This community is made by the players, for the players, so listen to the players, please

22 minutes and it had 10+ +1s, I definitely say let us speak.

Also 2ndAC Is far from dead lmfao

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I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot.

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