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New RP (this may be a big one)


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Name: Holo

Suggestion: Enforce new types of general RP For example, Make shield generators AA guns ect if they get destroyed then something goes out, AA gun allows fighters or ships to come in or stops fighters for coming out of the base or vice versa, if a gate is "blown up" and you are right next to the gate then you get wounded or something like that if you are in a fighter and you start to go down and you jump out of it before it crashed, (YOUR LEGS ARE LITERAL FUCKING NOODLES AT THAT POINT) you get wounded, say you are in BCC as base ops or something like that and someone runs up and tries to hold you up, if you have guns then you cant just instantly engage and choose suicide by bounty hunter | those are just some ideas of mine personally, i think new RP being passive or not needs to be added

Implementation: Some scripting for things and a slight rewrite of the rules

Lore:.. its RP...

Workshop content if applicable:
(If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")


Autism made me do it.

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