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Merrill - BVB Testing: SWUniverse Map


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Name: Merrill

Helpers: Zodiac, Elijah

Summary: Since there has been a lack of BvB and it has been heavily requested, this deployment acts as a test for a bit more of a robust map style.

Outcome: SWUniverse was errors for people who did not have the base GMod Content installed, but ultimately still ran well. Green/Red Team ended up winning both rounds due to their blitzkrieg strategy and swarming lone Blue team members.

Type of Event: Shoot Em Up


The guy who got drunk and pretended to be a vacuum for an hour

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Alright so,

if you took over BVB imma say whatever that was, don’t do it. BVB is more than blaster skill, theres an objective, like payload, a flag, or a tower to hold. Not red V blue, fun event that kept my boys occupied with our high numbers, but not what I want from BVB

I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot.

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