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TR 187th HVYL MAJ Keegan's Staff Application


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RP Name:TR 187th HVYL Major Keegan

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:221487717



Time Zone:Mountain Time

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):


I want to better the server and keep it free of all people who do not want us to succeed. Going back to the time when I was on Ice Fuse I was a Dedicated And devoted person within the server and I hope to be able to do this here. I am very active as some days put in more than 15 hours. I see people at night who need a whitelist and don't get it because no admins are I want to be the admin that is always there for the server and since Im on late at night I can help those people who need a admin there is no others. And on top of that I am well respected within the server by many soldiers. I have not much experience in being a admin but I hope to improve on my skills and be a good admin. Also late at night when there is close to no CG on I want to help them catch the person whether it be a CC or a BAT Commander.


Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):


I am a Fourteen year old freshman going to Kelly Walsh High School in Casper, WY. Im originally from St.Louis, MO I play the baritone and I work at Yellowstone Garage in Casper. I Also have a 15 year old brother along with a 12 year old one. Along with that I have two great danes and a pitbull and a boston terrier. I am also good at using teamspeak I know how to operate and do most things on the application. In addition to that i am a good problem solver for example If a CC didn't know how to speak english I would find someone to help the person in the server because when you are a CC you have no clue what is going on and the can sometimes be frightening.


Edited by kfox277
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  • Retired Founder

Congratulations! Your application has been accepted for interview.
Please contact any Overseer (or Head Admin if no Overseers are available) for your interview by September 4th.
If you fail to contact one, your application will be automatically denied.

Best of luck!


//Moved to Staff Applications - Pending

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