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It takes some real cojones to try and get a GF the first time; just try shooting your shot without spilling spaghetti.

My 'thing' was I left my crush a letter saying that I liked her, and if she was interested in me based on my attributes alone she could leave a letter there and I would find it. We dated for a year and then she cheated on me, Susan you bitch But that's besides the point.

High school dating should be fun, don't kill yaself over not having a GF or having one that goes terribly.

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Step 1: Chat with a girl on a regular basis

Step 2: Ask her if she is Interested in whatever

Step 3: Ask for her Snap

Step 4: Try and get a streak with her, Like GN streak or GM Streak or whatever.

Step 5: Send a Emoji saying with your Emote guy on it with a Heart to her, And then if she says she doesnt love u back, Then you can always say ooh shoot i didnt mean to press that i ment to press GN.

Step 6: bada bing bada bum

Solid plan worked for me in 5th Grade. facts 

This is a Long Process brother, Hang tight.

Also how to see if a girl likes you: She fidles around with her hair close to u, She looks at u sometimes for no reason, She Looks away when you look at her.

Edited by Josh Schneider
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Step 1: Don't follow that bullshit. It's bullshit. 

Step 2: Don't try to make something work that doesn't. 

Step 3: Go with the flow. Don't force yourself onto or with people you or they aren't comfortable with. 

Step 4: Have more chromosomes then all SOBDE members combined and realize that it is bullshit. 

Step 5: You don't need to date someone to feel accepted. 

Step 6: Don't date someone to simply feel accepted over actually having feelings. 

Step 7: Take your 5 chromosomes (I have 3 alone. Do the math) and go for a relationship if everything is going well

Step 8: You guys have like a 99% chance to not be each other's last romantic partner so take it as a learning experience. (Should give you like a 2 or 3 chromie boost).

Step 9: See what your tastes are cause remember not only should she be happy, you need to be as well. 

Step 10: Fuck high school. You will not enjoy this. It won't be over quickly. 

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Don't go searching for a girlfriend It has to come naturally, Talk to that one person and see how it goes, There is no guide for getting in a relationship you gotta go with the flow, just look for signs of interest from the other person after a while if you feel comfortable with being around her ask her out on a date and again just go with the flow.


Just letting you know to not get your hopes up the number of heartbreaks I've experienced is uncountable, If it don't work out just take the L and move on, you can't change someone's feelings about you.

Edited by Nade Jones



Former: Commander Cody (x2), ATK Regimental Commander, SOBDE Regimental Commander, 212th XO, Omega Squad Lead Niner, Foxtrot XO, General Kenobi, HA (x2) TRM, GMM, RUS MP Commander 

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Well your friend group is rarted for getting girlfriends as Freshman in High School, enjoy the petty ass drama that ensues.


Either or, dont rush, no need to worry about it, it really does come naturally, but you gotta atleast be a little social.


Also dont tell them that you roleplay on a star wars or military server.

Edited by Bbstine



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The easiest thing is to DM people. Most of the time girls will be excited at seeing a DM from someone new. (Over Instagram by the way) make sure your feed is fresh. 

Then go out to either a movie or a lunch depending on how good you are at talking to girls. Don't DM people from your own school tho


Don't get a girlfriend for image. I did that and it was just a total waste of time for you and her, Constantly seeing eachother isn't worth it unless you genuinely like them or you normally get pootang

Edited by Stern
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