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Silvers - The Hutt Council


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Name: Silvers / Randwack

Who helped (If applicable): Ganar. (BUT BEAN IS THE IDEA BOYO)

Event Name: The Hutt Council

Summary of the story: The Hutt Family/Council heads to the republic base in their gigantic frigates to discuss and update their terms and relations with the republic. But we all know Jabba, he just wants his money. He ditched the other hutts and he ambushed them. Jabba sends in many trandoshans to attack, but Jabba loses, once again. The other two hutts join the witness protection program and live peacefully. Hopefully.

What was the result of the event?: Eh it was alright, my dupe broke right before the event but I hope you still had fun boyos.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: mixed


thanks bean

Edited by silvers
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