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Heart - ???


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Name: Heart

Who helped (If applicable): Elijah | Jimmy | Swift

Event Name: ???

Summary of the story: A Sith Lord who was completely unidentifable entered the base and the sith temple, speaking ancient sith and summoning spirits of the damned that have died within the republic base and sith temple.

What was the result of the event?: ??? "dies", but doesn't, but does.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shootemup

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1/10 - I didn't quite understand it at all. Just NPCs spawning in the courtyard and we shot at them. Yes, there is a little story, but it felt like it was slapped together in 30 seconds. Hardly any RP as well.... on a RP Server. I feel like this would've been better as just an Encounter.

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1/10 - You lagged the server hard with invisible NPC's with very little attempt to RP at all in the main base and I agree this should have been an encounter. To improve it I just wish we had some RP like some of your previous events. Don't know what happened with sith but at the main base it was iffy

Edited by Turbine
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The entity spawners were camped, really hard, there was little attempt to RP because the sith was super cryptic. mostly stating information about himself making it appear as though he was death. It is definitely something to do, but anyone with an explosive weapon used it in the court yard often killing or damaging other clones.

5/10 because I could kill a full spawn with a single anti armor

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