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Synyster - Kamino Decontamination


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Name: Synyster

Who helped (If applicable): Techno was there in the beginning and Qal, helped build

Event Name: Kamino Decontamination

Summary of the story:  A new bacteria was discovered to be covering the troopers from recent deployments, slowly eating away at their armor. They were all sent to Kamino for decontamination. Meanwhile, a prisoner was shipped there and was transferred to a cell in the brig. Turns out, one of the Kamino Guards was an undercover Commando droid and broke the prisoner out and they sneaked across the base with diversion droids being sent down to help. In the end the droid was destroyed and the prisoner was executed by the remaining clones.

What was the result of the event?: Clones were successfully decontaminated, bravely defended the base, and got revenge for their fallen troopers by a satisfying firing circle.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both

DISCLAIMER: This was my first deployment and my gamehelper bailed at the start and one of my jobs left halfway through. I had to improvise and do mostly everything by myself, so i was scrambled everywhere and quite flustered from keeping track of the decontamination progress, spawning droids, and keeping up with the status of the escaped prisoner all at the same time.

Edited by DU Synyster

Ex-DU CMD/XO - Wrote the lore for the original Havoc Squad members, it’s nbd 🥱 - Just your friendly neighborhood fucktard 

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I know that you struggled with that event due to factors not totally in your control but I have to give my honest rating from the perspective of a player during that event.

-Organization needed some more work. Groups at the beginning made little sense, ultimately confusing people and splitting up battalions.

-I enjoyed the decontamination portion of the RP, it was done well but could have been elaborated considering it was the reason for deployment.

-There were details of the event's story that could have been thought out a little better.

-There should have been some backup activities planned in case of delays. There was way too much standing around.


Of course, I'm sorry that your first deployment event went in such a way. I do understand that it was not totally in your control and many of the factors I touched upon could have been remedied by some extra help. However, please don't take these pointers or the rating in a negative way. I hope to see you grow in your GM skills and improve your events!


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10 minutes ago, Moros said:


-There should have been some backup activities planned in case of delays. There was way too much standing around.

I was actually going to have my GH host a citadel competition sim between each group to keep them busy and occupied while waiting, and the GH would have also given people other duties such as patrols, guarding certain locations, etc... 

This was also the reason behind splitting everyone up in random groups, as I wanted them to work together and work out their indifferences between their battalions to succeed in their tasks.

  • Friendly 1

Ex-DU CMD/XO - Wrote the lore for the original Havoc Squad members, it’s nbd 🥱 - Just your friendly neighborhood fucktard 

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Going to be real with you. I spoke to you today about this comment in detail but...

We are a seriousRP  community, we have been this for as long as I remember and recently its very Semi-Serious. Its events like this that for me and some others personally show who wants to serious roleplay and who doesn't. In the Army, even cadets you will find that people tend to faint whilst standing at attention/up right for too long, this happens quite a lot actually in cadets. There was a lot of complaints about it taking to long to start but, at the end of the day its an extremely basic training that is done which is Patience and Discipline training. If you cannot stand in a line until addressed by a Commanding Officer, in this case the Deployment Officer whilst they sanitized the needles and got everything ready for the mass amount of clones that needed there armor cleaning, it is sad as you need to think in a roleplay mindset.

30 people, thats 30 different things they need to clean. They cannot use the one cleaning utensil to clean us all, it would essentially spread the armor eating parasite rather than kill it off. Than the groups needed to be set up, thats 30 people who need to be organised. not to mention the fact you had to wait for the acclimator to arrive with the medical droid in the first place.

The long wait made plenty of sense in a roleplay circumstance and thats the way it should be. Serious Roleplay, Not Semi-Serious


Edited by Reed


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