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Heart - Cultists of Endor


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Name: Heart

Who helped (If applicable): Jumes, Mitchell, JaBaku, Josh 

Event Name: Cultists of Endor

Summary of the story: A band of cultists, preaching about how the world will end soon. Combining the powers of a Jedi Holocron, Sith Holocron, Hypermatter Fuel, and the blood of a fighter (Jango Fett, or Tyennoch in this case), the ritual completed and let out a devastating roar, releasing demons all around the universe from Endor to Dromund Kaas. After a while the Dark Lord completely obliterated the portal, and everything was instantly returned to normal.

What was the result of the event?: Cultists got merked, the world didn't end.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: A bit of both, more shoot.

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