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CWRP Debriefs ban appeal

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Ok last time I made my appeal I was under the influence and don’t know how to delete it so I’ma make a new one and no I’m not drunk this time around.



RP Name/Steam Name:

CT Pvt Debrief or before I became debrief

212th sgt EggRollWarrior (this was before debrief existed)

steam name is FireyCheese 

Steam id: 76561198177107529

Date of Ban:can’t remember but it was early August or late September 

Length of Ban:  permanent 

Offense: 4x previous bans 

Banned By: can’t remember 

Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?: ôk well the action that implied this ban was when I heard dooku was on board so I said “I’m gonna fist your face” and went to find him he was in a elevator when I jumped down d-15 yelling some battlecry I accidentally shot more than dooku killings 4-5 innocent bystanders when I was stopped by a admin and a Jedi then taken to the top of the ship to await trial (punishment from admins) I want to argue that one of the bans is invalid since the admin who did it was banned the next day for leaking info and false banning ( that’s what my fellow clones told me) I don’t know what his name was all I know that he was head eng and trained me  in engineering
Evidence to support your claims: 

Chat logs and that admin who got banned


Edited by Xx_EpicGamer_xX
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I agree. I am killed more then my share of innos while being force whirlwind'd by a jedi. I dont see a problem with him coming back. Like I always say. It only takes a few seconds to reban him. +1

Edited by Baelfire

Current Architect of Shadows Master Kit Fisto | Former Boss, Former Fixer, Former Sev

Former Jaing, Former Prudii

Former Bardan Jusik/Skirata

Former SOBDE Regimental Commander 

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aight,   When I played regularly during events I killed an average of 128 players per day when doing events....   yet we ban this dude perma for killing 4-5 innocents while being slung around by a sith.   idk the full story but  next time   LET GO OF THE FECKIN TRIGGER BRO  lmao +1  

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