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Silvers - REEEEE


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Name: Silvers / Randwack

Who helped (If applicable): Merril, Synyster

Event Name: REEEEE

Summary of the story: A large quake occurs at the sector of the base, and droid drills start to appear around the rooms, such as the generator, ATC, and medbay. The clones kill those droids and investigate outside and find a large CIS base that is camo'd. They head in and fight all the droids, destroy the drills, and figure out that it's the work of a CIS general. They also captured some jedi padawans and younglings, and a hostage situation occurs. The structure begins a self destruct and everything explodes.

What was the result of the event?: It went well! I had to go at the end, but I hope you guys enjoyed! (Also to the guy who placed a tac near the drill with the droids, sorry man, but that's where the droids were supposed to spawn, it was like a pod but bigger).

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot 'em up.


(sorry to the batts that couldn't make it to the CIS base, I really wanted you all to see it.)

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Spawning was terrible, dupe caused lag. 0/10 



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-Good immersion

-Interesting Dupe

-Nice mix of RP and shooting


Note: New rule needs to be introduced for placing tacs in battle. Some RC placed a tac on a Droid Spawn Pod and got upset when he kept dying from the droids that spawned on it.

The guy who got drunk and pretended to be a vacuum for an hour

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7 minutes ago, Sixta said:

Spawning was terrible, dupe caused lag. 0/10 



3 minutes ago, Scribbles said:

 but the spawning was kinda horrid. 

I understand what you guys mean, but to answer sixta; you placed a tact next to a place where the dispenser of the droids were at. And to answer scribbles if you mean the amount of droids while climbing up the base, it was trying to give the clones a challenge and "give them the high ground."

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