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Matra's Staff Application


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RP Name: TR KU 4thACPTL SMB Matra

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:48608699

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Timezone: Eastern Standard Time

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I have past experience as a staff member. And I always love staffing, I have previous experience with the ULX commands. As well as dealing with a variety of different issues at hand. I have been in this community about a year and a month. I have seen revolts come and go. But the Joah revolt against Corvezeo absolutely inspired me. It was a revolt unlike any other. Joah and many others exposed what kind of a person Corvezeo really was. I would rather staff for someone that fights for freedom of opinion than someone who is just in it for the money. I feel if I get accepted it would be an honor to serve under a community such as this. 

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): My actual name is Nick, I am 17 and I am from Ohio. I first fell in love with star wars when the game Star Wars Galaxies came out, I played that for about 4 years. Then I played SWTOR when it released, which was a few months after the shutdown of SWG (RIP). Around this time was when I truly began to love roleplaying, which lead to my discovery of Garry's Mod. I feel that Garry's Mod fuels my creativity when it comes to roleplaying. So I actively started looking for role-playing servers. I first came across a KingdomRP server, under the community GroxGaming. I played on that server for awhile, eventually becoming a staff member. Then, I branched off to their other servers they had. Eventually earning the rank Head Admin on all of their servers. Almost getting promoted to Server Manager before it shut down (RIP again). But then, I found IFN. I first joined very confusedly, but I eventually got the hang of it. I first joined 187th earning the rank of SGT before leaving to join Doom's Unit. I achieved the rank of 2ndLT before leaving for a year. When I came back I didn't recognize anyone from a year ago (Except cornbread). I joined the Galactic Marines (Which I am still apart of). Then the incident on IFN happened in which I and most officers of GM left to join Synergy. I then found Fizzik (Which I trained when he was a CR).

    I made it to the rank of CPT in Galactic Marines before getting accepted into Keller's unit getting the rank of SMB. And here I am now

Do you have any previous staff experience? I have quite the staffing experience, I was a Head Admin on a communities five servers. KingdomRP/PrisonRP/CityRP/WesternRP/ and RetroRP. I had to staff on these servers individually to achieve global admin. After that community died, which was GroxGaming. I tried staffing on IFN, which I left before I got anywhere as a staff member.

                                                                                                  Thank you for this opportunity

Edited by Matra


Currently: SGM

Previously: HA | TRM | BCMD Bacara x4 | CMD Keller x4

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Congratulations! Your application for staff has been accepted for interview.
Please contact an Overseer by August 30th to conduct your interview.
(You May Contact a Head Admin, if no Overseer's are available)
If you fail to do so your application will be automatically denied.

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A member of the staff team will be with you shortly to train you.
Please use your new found abilities for the better, and don't abuse them!

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