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CWRP Staff Meeting Notes 12/15/2018

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High Staff PTS:


Square: Thank you to the GMs who stepped up and did all the good events. If you do the minimum then it shows us you don’t care and you won’t be promoted. Super low population. There are a lot of staff issues that are going on. Next week will be a staff purge, people who don’t show work will be removed no matter the rank. It was way too easy to get promoted before, and that is being changed.


Jackson: I got on the server and there was nothing going on. Both in staff and in RP. It was the most boring thing I have ever seen. Make sure encounters are happening and that events are also constantly happening. There are so many things that are falling way behind. We appreciate the people who are putting in the work and showing us will be moving up faster. Work with each other in order to give the server more entertainment.


Dragon: Lots of GM Changes happening so look out.


Heart: Listen up fuckos, Just because we’re missing HA spots doesn’t mean we HAVE to fill it, just that when we see someone worthy, we’ll move them up. Now, lets get this straight. Starting next Saturday, any and all demotions, including removal, will be legal for 12 continuous hours. HA, Directors, and Founders will be unavailable until tomorrow morning until 7 a.m., when The Purge concludes. Blessed be our New Founding Fathers and Synergy,  a server reborn. May Zim save your rank.



Lighig: Fill out the Admin choice form


Military HAs: Good Luck.


General PTS:
1. Make sure you are careful with ships spawns for above 100


2. Concerning tickets, if it doesn't get taken then take it so it doesn't leave the player hanging. Don't have them sitting there waiting.





NA to A-


Admin to SA 


SA to VA -


VA to HA -


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