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IKE's time travel in star wars


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Name: IKE

Who helped (If applicable): Prince

Event Name: Time travel in star wars

Summary of the story: A time traveller comes from the future to warn the republic of the chancellors plan to overthrow the republic, however the time travelling machine has a drastic side effect of amnesia. He still remembers he came to warn them about something but he can't remember what, when Count Dooku hears of the news from his spies he immediately deploys his forces and personally goes to deal with it himself! DUN DUN DUNNNNNN

What was the result of the event?: The republic actually destroy the CIS and end up winning? Which for for once wasn't the actual intention. The professor is sent in a LAAT, which engines malfunctions and they crash and drown in the lake. Count Dooku is sent to a acclamator for temporary holding where he will be freed by the CIS

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot Em Up

Edited by IKE
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