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Chris' Staff application


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RP Name: RC 38 Delta Squad Boss

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:79657121

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Timezone: United States EST

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): So I believe I should be an administrator for a number of reasons: My maturity and willingness to compromise and find solutions to issues, my work habits, and communication skills.

As for my maturity, I can play around and have fun, but when it comes down to being serious, I get serious, and its usually a pretty quick snap, and when I'm working, I take it very seriously and wont give up until the job is done. If something goes a way that I didn't enjoy, ill express my distaste but ill get over it, if I'm working and a bump in the road appears, I compromise and stay flexible to try and find another way to the desired destination.

I work very hard, and I don't give up on the given task until its done, while I can multitask and try and kill two birds with one stone, I will always make sure the job is done correctly, and if its not, will correct the issues to make sure things run smoothly. Another thing about my work habit is that I like to get work done fast so that I can move on to other issues. This doesn't mean ill cut corners to just say I got another task done, it just means I'm not going to procrastinate.

Finally, when it comes to communication skills, to simply put it, I like talking to people. I'm not shy and just going to hide away, I'm very willing to express my opinion on a matter and while I have limits on things I will say, there aren't many. I'm going to tell you how it is, and ill hardly sugarcoat it. If there is a problem then there is a problem. Also, kind of unrelated, but I currently work at Chick fil A, so if you know what that is, then you can probably make the assumption about what I'm saying. And if you don't, then, idk look up chick fil a hospitality memes.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): My IRL name is Chris Martin, I live in the gayest city in the country: Orlando Florida. I say these things because I don't feel like I need to hide behind some sort of barrier and be secretive about who I am. I started playing SWRP over a year ago on FSAS when it was popular, and was a TMOD there before leaving due to corruption in staff, and was a moderator on Icefuse before leaving due to staff corruption. Currently, I work at a chick fil a to get that sweet sweet minimum wage and I enjoy the grind of work as weird as it sounds.

Do you have any previous staff experience? I was a moderator on Icefuse. For a short time, I was also a T-mod equivalent on FSAS.

Edited by Chris
Whoops forgot something important.
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  • Retired Founder

A member of the staff team will be with you shortly to train you.
Please use your new found abilities for the better, and don't abuse them!

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