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Ragen's Staff application


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RP Name:TR 501st JT SGT Ragen

Steam ID: 0:0:211672794




Timezone:Easter stander 

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I am wanting to help keep the server as serious as posibal and I am willing to do anything to help out the staff members and the community and also to keep minges out of the server and also to make the server a friendly environment and also if any person has a problem on the base i will be willing to help them and also to help out my battalion be more active and make the 501st grate and host fun sims for everyone and also to eventually host fun events for people

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):I am a good listen and I follow orders to a t and I am a friendly and helpful person and I'm good at keeping order on the base and I'm a laid back person I also played football and it thought me how to be a good leader and I'm in my school band so that helps me keep a good focus on things i am also taking a fire academy and an emt class and psychology

Do you have any previous staff experience?yes i was a admin and a game helper for the swrp server

How much time do you have in the server: from the last time i checked it was probably 2000 hr in the server

Are you curently staff on any other senergy servers: no

Edited by Ragen
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