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Deathwatch attack


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Who helped (If applicable): Joah & Elijah

Event Name: Deathwatch attack

Summary of the story: Deathwatch sent in a sith pretending to be a knight and was sent to turn off global comms so then the deathwatch could attack the base

What was the result of the event?: The deathwatch killed many clones but in the end the clones won & did a lot of damage

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em up

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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Too many things were being spawned at once and in bad places, causing lag spikes for a lot of players. It was a good story, but the spawning of the Mandos was rather poor, spawning massive groups inside each other and inside players, resulting in instant death that they couldn't prevent.

The guy who got drunk and pretended to be a vacuum for an hour

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I would prefer if game masters paid more attention to how well/poorly we are doing , ramp it up or down depending on our performance, the point of you guys isn't throw everything at us all at once , then cut it. Kind of like how other games like MW3 with death streaks. If you're getting clapped the game lifts you up a bit, if you're doing good it makes the enemies better to create a more fun experience, especially when it comes to AI

Example , the DW have just pushed us back to the stairwell>

What I saw
-Spawning 60+ enemies on top of us
-Not slowing down when 80% of us die

What I would have liked to seen
>DW takes over stairwell , make the stairwell flood a bit
>If the DW succeed , push them forward 15 feet

Its not fun when you retake an area ,then 300 spawn on you

thats my rant sorry for the length

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I pretty consistently had things spawned less than a meter away from me.

Between our weirdly acting doors, comms being shut down, and the sith chopping us down like a lawnmower - idk what we could've changed outcome-wise.


Would've been a lot more fun to have them showing up in patrols outside rather than absolutely flooding into the main gate.


Now we've just got to find out how 200+ Deathwatch made it past our base's sensors . . .

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