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CWRP-Niemand's Staff app

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RP Name: TR 501st HWST SGM Niemand

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:220649177

VIP (Y/N😞 (soon)


Timezone: CET (Berlin, Germany, Europe)

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):  I'm trying to play like every free Minute I have on the Server because the server became my Favourite. And now I want to support the server to make it even better. Because of my Timezone I can be on when some others can't because for example it's Saturday 4 am EST and there are no staffs because it's too early but I can be on because for me it's 10 am so I can help there also I can help out good in Forum because I'm working often with Docs and was helping other servers in Forums. And In Game I can also help a lot because I see sometimes some staffs which don't know how to really use the Physic gun or I also can help guys (what is normal as staff) when they have questions and BTW it would help my Battalion a lot with Sims and whitelisting :)

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Hey I'm Leo and 15 half English half German (my mum is English my dad German) So I'm playing GMOD now since around 3 years (1year TTT 1year TTT and STRP and 1year just STRP) and I've made many experiences when I was Staff  on another Server and also on Synergy as TR or Intel Team In 501st makes me know the basics of Being staff because I know all the typical questions player will ask and how to log staff follow orders and make everything that the users have fun. I was already as a small kid  Educated to pay attention and respect everyone when I didn't say Hello when I came home they said: Tomorow you don't go out  or when a Friend didn't say Hello  they weren't able to come again XD

Do you have any previous staff experience?: Yeah! I was staff on a Server created by my Friend (wasn't very big around 30 players) and another time on a bigger Server called Easy-Gaming but that one closed like 4 months ago

How much play-time do you have on the synergy server?: I have 111:43:59

Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: N/A

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Forum Admin

Great guy, I've seen you around tonnes and you always want to help


Edited by [SR] Naffen [NA]

I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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