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Heart - 2 Factories and a Juggernaut


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Name: Heart

Who helped (If applicable): Dolvek, Punybob, Alexz, Sweggy, Clank

Event Name: 2 Factories and a Juggernaut

Summary of the story: Earlier today, a Republic Mechanic brought an experimental vehicle to get repaired. It was reinforced to the best of the clones' ability. Later on, they were deployed to Geonosis, where the behemoth (AKA The HAVw A6 Juggernaut) was driven for the first time, transporting over 80 clones including baseops to a CIS Factory to destroy Hailfire droids and eventually capture the leader.

What was the result of the event?: CIS Lose Republic Win someone blew up the Juggernaut (F)

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: P1 Roleplay, P2 Shootemup

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