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Director Report on Carter


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RP Name: Clegane

Steam ID: N/A

Staff member you are reporting: Director Chambers

Staff Members Steam ID (If applicable): He's Director, you should already have it.

Staff Members Wrong-Doing: Joined the channel and called Bananaberry gay.

Explain the situation:  Alright, so Carter joined the ts3 channel asking for Korm which we told him he was out walking his dogs and that he would be back later. Chambers said "Bananaberry your gay" and then left the channel.

Evidence (If applicable): Multiple eye witnesses i.e. Bananaberry, Korm, Me, JBFox.

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I joined the channel and asked if Korm was here and they told me he was walking his dogs, I then mentioned tracking down an HA and someone said "You can pick me" and I responded your gay and left the channel.

As we all are aware if you are in SOBDE its just one massive Orgy all the time and they ain't even traps so it is definitely gay .

I rest my case.

SOBDE has the big gay.

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