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CWRP - Dolvek's GM Application


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Name: Dolvek

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:81751483


How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]: TR LSI ACE SHM KA Dolvek has played for 541:39:08. Im super active in the server :D


From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars? 5-6. Still some areas I'm not too familiar with,(clone wars, I know everything from the movies)  but I've been learning more with the server.


How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?  I'd like to say I'm alright on this part, Most of the time when I don't got people screaming in Teamspeak, they listen well and our plans are executed without any problems.

Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?

I do, I will be planing on doing at least two events every week, or more if someone requests it.


Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce:

DISCLAIMER:  Unfortunately English ain't my main language so please forgive me for my grammar errors and if a sentence doesn't make sense :D

Two Commando Droids:
Mission: Get a Venator and escape with him, once they have the Venator their mission is to use him to get information from the clones for General Grievous.
Two B1 Battle Droids: 
Mission: Assist the Commandos achive their mission while killing everyone and planing bombs.

Event Ideia: 
The CIS would attack the base so they could get some commando droids in to the base while the clones fight the droids. The Ideia whould be for the commando droids do a stealth mission in the base, their mission is to get a Venator. Once they get the Venator they would implant a bomb on him so he would do whatever they asked him to do. In this case the Venator would request a LAAT. Once they have the LAAT they would obviously escape. Since the Commands are "droids" they are dumb in a way, they would not know that the Venator left clues behind for the clones can find so they can actually know the reason why he left the base( this event would end up at the Event Server). Once the clones get all the clues, the clues would lead then to a planet.  The clones would have to get a team together( this would ether be SOBDE Squads or Attack Battalions) to attack the plannet to rescue the Venator.

Once the Commandos arive at the planet they would take the Venator to General Grievous were he would keep him there with him, but they would not know that the Venator left clues behind. General Grievous would use the Venator to get important information about a Sith Crystal that the Jedi took from a Old Lord Sith. The crystal would turn whoever carried into a Super Jedi.

The team who got selected would get in to the planet and try to save the Venator. They need to do it before a timeset otherwise General Grievous would escape with the Venator and that would bring then to a Second Event.

This is just one idea I have, could always draft up some more.


Place Links Below of at least 2 Events you have been the GM for (Optional):




Edited by [SR] Dolvek [SA]



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