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Asajj Ventress Assasination

Old Spartan

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Name: Spartan | Wolffe

Who helped (If applicable):  Smal Jef, Qal

Event Name: Ventress's Assasination

Summary of the story: A CIS Representative sent a coded message to the Republic requesting a meeting discussing the Representative abandoning the CIS. The Republic jumped to the location of the meeting, Padme and the Representative began their talks of peace and diplomacy. How ever Dooku had learned of the representatives desire to abandon the CIS so he sent his faithful assasin Vetress to kill him. Ventress and her fleet were dispatched to their last known location to find the representative gone. How ever a commando droid aboard the Republic Venator notice the arrival of the Representative and transmitted their location to Ventress. Ventress and her fleet quickly warped in to attack the Republic and the Representative. Ventresses snuck aboard with only one goal in mind kill the representative.

What was the result of the event?: The representative was murdered by Asajj Ventress, she quickly escaped and set her fleet upon the Republic Venator. How ever with her forces depletead Ventress had no choice but to retreat. Her mission completed.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both

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