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Quill's CIS Turncoat


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Name: Quill

Who helped (If applicable): Jags, Blake, Spartan

Event Name: CIS Turncoat

Summary of the story: Senator Bonteri is tasked by the Senate to meet with a possible turncoat in the CIS political system. They meet and discuss the terms of a spy contract. Depending on how the RP went and the clones acted, the event path would sway from there.

What was the result of the event?: Bonteri and the turncoat successfully discussed a contract and made their way back to the venator. Once aboard they went to medbay so the detonator on the turncoat, that was collateral for the Republic in case he double-crossed them, could be removed. Senator Bonteri dropped the detonator switch and in the commotion the det was blown by the turncoat's guard. The guard was paid off by the CIS to kill the traitor who they were aware of. The guard was interrogated and properly disposed of on Coruscant.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: RP.

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