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Heart - Spend credits and kick jawas


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Name: Heart

Who helped (If applicable): BGCrafter, Rackarain, Spike, Spear

Event Name: Spend Credits and Kick Jawas

Summary of the story: A mercantile ship was happening by who's advertising on the same channel as the Republic Comms by mistake. Republic goes to check it out and its a little dumpy ship selling sub-par armor and mining moon-rocks, owned by SLV-M, a droid who abuses his ""workers"" who were soon discovered slaves. After stealing the Droid's head, RANCOR CPT Hero brought it back to be investigated, when the droid's bodyguards happened about and tried to bring him back. After they failed, the droid's memories enstated that all of his slaves were prisoners who committed heinous crimes, and had promised them work in exchange for not sending them to jail.

What was the result of the event?: Droid died, jawa and tusken slaves were sent to prison for their horrendous crimes.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Very RP, but a little shooty.

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Loved the event. +1

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