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Silvers/Randwack's First AAR/Event!


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Name: Silvers/Randwack

Who Helped: Logic, GoodTime, Squee, Bruiser, Gregor (Gregor Shadowed me)

Summary of the Story: A group of bounty hunters and Asaj Ventress came in with the aid of CIS forces and commando droids in order to get holocrons from the Jedi Temple and some Intel from Naval and Senators. While the CIS forces attack the ship, they decide to kamikaze some of their ships in order to open up skygate. While this is happening. The commando droids are in 4th floor, heading into command/comms bridge to get a hostage. The bounty hunters and ventress are all in one ship boarding through the airlock. While the main forces are in MHB, the bounty hunters, Asaj, and the commando droids do the work by getting the holocrons and intel. However, Ventress was the only one who succeeded in the mission and left. There were still some ships out and they sent in their last troops to fight, as a last resort to attack the clones. Ventress left the space, but apparently there was a bomb attached to the ship, but she still survived.

Result: Ventress got some holocrons, no intel gathered from Naval and senators. In short, Ventress succeeded, all other bad guys failed.

This was more of a shoot 'em up to get people occupied with doing something in the server, and this was also my first ever event, so it was a lesson for me. I wanted some RP into it, which would make it lead into a deployment for other GMs to use as an idea, but in all it failed due to the bounty hunters and commando droids not gathering intel.


ENDING NOTES: Yeah, the comms were kinda iffy from CIS, I talked with the guy and we both learned from our mistakes. Also, my bad for spawning some droids after the hips were gone

Thank you! :)

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