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Andrew's Outpost Delta


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Name: Andrews

Who helped (If applicable): Valdor, Bannaberry

Event Name: Outpost Delta

Summary of the story: SOBDE, RECON, and 501st were deployed to an asteroid that was orbiting Datormi and was posing as a threat to the potential Base that was being set up on the surface of the planet. The 2 Regiments and 501st were deployed to secure and destroy the outpost to allow the safe guarantee of no attacks happening. 

What was the result of the event?: The Republic was able to destroy the threat. 

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both

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"break PTS and I'll kick you from the server" +1 😂


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The tight chokepoints of that map were hell (as always) and I got elevated into a pancake when someone closed the blast door.

However, us Rancor boys were able to move as a unit and help our fellow troopers - making the hardship well worth it.


Altogether - nice event man, looking forward to the next one.

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