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Quill's Tri-Fighter Escort


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Name: Quill/Rex

Who helped (If applicable): Chambers, Sinister

Event Name: Tri-FighterEscort

Summary of the story: Tri-Fighters are escorting a Separatist Representative on his way to a summit. When the venator comes out of hyperspace they stumble upon the convoy via scanners. A battle ensues and depending on what happens to the freighter rp or more dog-fights ensue.

What was the result of the event?:  The representative and his escort are forced to engage the venator and end up in a long dog fight. One republic fighter clipped the representative's ship, forcing him to crash land on a near by asteroid. He called for assistance and three CIS frigates jumped in. A cease fire was called and the representative was picked up to talk with a naval commodore. She asked many questions and insulted him leading to his detainment. His protocol droid and two cloaked commandos, tried to help him escape, but he died in a stolen laat. The CIS counter-attacked, the venator sustained heavy damage before the commodore initiated a emergency jump.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot 'em up with RP via player choice.

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