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Gungan Does An Oof

Old Spartan

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Name: Spartan | Wolffe

Who helped (If applicable): Sinister, Bro, Woeny, Valkyrie

Event Name: Gungan Does An Oof

Summary of the story: JarJar and Lux Bonteri arrive on our Venator from Coruscant and asked for a tour of the ship. During the tour of the command bridge representative Binks tripped and smashed his face into the hyper space terminal launching our Venator into hyperspace towards unknown coordinates. We arrived to find a CIS fleet surprised by our sudden arrival but they quickly moved in to attack.

What was the result of the event?: Binks was shamed, and they CIS was fought back

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Light RP with Shooting

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