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Cory's Staff Application


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RP Name:  GM 4thHRS SGT3 Cory

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:104967207

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Timezone: PST

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): Since day one the server has been the server for star wars rp and I would love to contribute to make Synergy a better place. I am always one during the day through the night so I will be available to help anyone in need at any time. People have told me I should be staff because I always try to help people as much as I can and they are always very happy when they are done. I would love to try to make Synergy a bigger and better place than it already is by contributing my time and helping people who are in need. I see people always asking questions and needing things  resolved and I would love to help further complications. I also wish to be an administrator because I would like to make Synergy known for their kind admins and helpful staff.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): My name is Cory and I am 16 years of age and I am a Junior in high school. I am on the varsity long jumping for track and field. I normally just run, sleep, eat, and play videogames.

Do you have any previous staff experience? I have been playing g mod for a very long time (2800+ hours). I have been a staff on many servers. I was staff for a year on G-realms Star Wars RP>  I was a senior admin on BLN. I owned/ co-owned many servers in the past, one named KCS that I helped for awhile. I am pretty efficient being an administrator.

Edited by Cory
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A member of the staff team will be with you shortly to train you.
Please use your new found abilities for the better, and don't abuse them!

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