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Everything posted by Goten

  1. After much thought and conversation with people close to me, I have decided to VOID THE APP. Thanks
  2. Dude, all you have to do is LOOK AT THE LOGS
  3. Ive only got 2 my arfl and 91st are the same job. Then my jedi. Thats it
  4. Steam Name: Kyle RP Name: 91st ARFL Col Goten\ CoH Omega Jedi Etain Tur Mukan Steam ID (SteamID Finder😞 STEAM_0:1:55837178 Experience: My experience from naval was early 2017 when i joined Icefuse, I became a LT under Lazer and Max Why should you become Base Commander?: I know i should become base ops commander because I feel i have far more experience than the other applicants. Plus i don't want to base ops commander just to be base ops commander. I want to actually fit them and integrate them into them into the server, to give the server a really unique feel of immersion. I also know I should become Commander, because of the few people that are applying, don;t actually actively work the BCC during the time that base ops has been removed. Do you understand the purpose of BO on the server?: Yes. The purpose of BO is essentially just the caretakers of the base. Imagine that the base is their home, and they are the ones taking care of it. Availability: monday-saturday 5PM EST- to about 2AM EST, and all day Sundays Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server: I am the ARF leader in the 91st, I am a COL in the 91st, I am also the Chief of Healers. I have plenty of experience running tryouts, training, leading branches of people, creating tryouts, and making goals for people under me attainable and fun to be. Do you have a microphone?: Yes Where do you want the Base Ops to be at the end of your term?: I want base ops to be a respected branch of people who can run the base well. My goal is to make BO become a self sufficient group that can run mean and clean, where every single person has their own role and job unique to their ranks and positions, and everyone has somebody to answer to, so that during the times i am not around, not all of BO implodes, because people will know what they are doing How do you plan to change the Base Ops under your command?: . I want to put BO in a position where the next BO after me wont have to micromanage every aspect of BO, because thats not really his role. BO role is to make the big decisions in base ops, and hand down severe punishments, and just make the general big boy calls. The ranks below him are the ones that are responsible for micromanaging the small tasks such as base upkeep and security among other things. I also want to make sure BO doesn't get wiped again. That would be nice. One other thing i want to do as base ops. is give Shock a purpose again. I feel right now shock are just the guys who arrest minges and rule breakers. As BO command, I would like to help Fox return Shock to a proper security battalion. Regular base patrols, Shock stationed at Gen room at BCC, on the battlements, at the gates. I want people to be afraid to break the rules again. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your Base Commander rank?: Yes PS: I know i have a lot already on my plate with being a COL ARFL and the Chief of Healers, but i know I am up for this task, and I know i can balance the 3 positions. It is a challenge that i am more than happy to accept, and I know i will impress all of you with how good Base Ops will turn out to be
  5. +1 good passive RP, i am embarrassed by the 91st tho. im sorry for their actions.
  6. +1 man, i love that you came and explained the scribes to me and gave me a guide and let me figure out what to do on my own
  7. 10/10 Was lots of fun and like the good hints.
  8. -1. Nobody to pepper kids ships with while youre gone.
  9. Goten

    Etain Tur-Mukan

    All i know is near the end of her life, she settle down a bit with the Skirata Clan for some time. So maybe she wore armor maybe she dint. Wouldn't be upset if they didn't add it. It was more just for varieties sake
  10. Goten

    Etain Tur-Mukan

    Name: Omega Jedi Etain Tur-Mukan Suggestion: Add an actual Etain Tur-Mukan Skin Implementation: Just replacing the whack crack addict that is the default female Jedi Skin with a normal robes body group, jedi armour group, and maybe a mandolorian armour body group. Lore: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Etain_Tur-Mukan Workshop content if applicable: Require Development I looked around EVERYWHERE for one and i cant find a Etain Skin(The female Jedi skin is actually so horrid that i may just pay for it myself, if that helps this process move along further)
  11. Goten


    lol thats because I was on an LOA that I felt was to private to post on the forums for, however I did post on the discord and tell forseen directly about my LOA, so its not like nobody knew. You just didnt.
  12. Goten


    Leadership wise, I was Neyo on Icefuse for about a month, until it was cut short due to me having to move across my country for unforseen persinal issues, and not having access to a computer when I got there, so I know what it' like to run a battalion. And for myself personally, I've never had to deal with any strife as a bcmd, or a CMD which is the spot I am now, because I surrounded myself with good trustworthy people. It's not that I don' know how to deal with the stress and the problems, it's just that I haven't had to deal much with it due to the way I run things.
  13. Goten


    Voided. I'm pulling myself from the running.
  14. Goten

    Gotens GM app

    Name: Goten SteamID: STEAM_0:1:55837178 How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]: 2920 From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 10 How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?: Really good Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yes Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce: I would create an event that would be on Kamino, and it would involve some deathwatch who have come and killed most of the clones, and then taken the survivors and improsoned them, and have begun to freeze the prisoners in Carbonite, so the republic is sending in clones to rescue the prisoners and recapture the facility.
  15. +1 Its time to make the 91st Thicc again.
  16. +1 The BLT events will live on through BigMan through me through BigMan
  17. RP Name: Goten Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:55837178 Age: 20 Gender: Male Timezone: Central Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum) I want to be a staff member mainly so i can become a game master. On Icefuse, i became a game master purely for the entertainment of the players. To many times I sat around on the server and saw people complaining about never having anything to do. So i became a game master to change that, now, I want to bring that to synergy. I still do like my responsibilities of dealing with minges and taking care of new players as well, Those are all good too, but my main goal is to become a game master once again, and bring joy and excitement to the player base, because honestly, i do not think there is enough, Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum) I grew up in da Norf (Alaska) until the ripe age of 18 where i moved to San Antonio for school and basketball. I am currently working on my education degree, and trying to complete my dream of playing professional basketball for the San Antonio Spurs (Im really close!). I also really like game of thrones and Dragon Ball, so if you ever want to come into my channel and talk about whether you think Vegeta will be the one to beat Jiren, or if you think Tyrion is really a Targaryen, im more than willing to conversate with you about it! Do you have any previous staff experience? Yes I was staff on icefuse for 5 and a half months.
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