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104th Mist

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Posts posted by 104th Mist

  1. So, some of you old members from the 104th may remember good ol me.

    I'm here to explain why I've been gone nine months. Some details might be cut, but here's the general gist of it.

    My laptop went kaput. Lenovo fixed it, then it broke immediately after, again of no fault of my own. The warranty didn't cover their mistakes in repairing the system. After that 2 month fiasco, I didn't have the money to buy a new laptop for a long while. And after I got my laptop back for my birthday (give or take a few unfortunate incidents which delayed my return) I have been re downloading everything until today, only to quickly remember to come on to here.

    I haven't forgotten the good memories this server has given me. Though a lot of my extra stuff seems to have been stripped due to absence (I really don't blame the server for it) I plan on regaining my mod and trainer positions asap. In other words:


  2. In Game Name: TR 104th ENG TECH MED SGM Mist

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:163624392

    How many hours have you played on Synergy? 92 hours.

    From one to ten, how would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?

    Canon : 10  Legends : 8 - 9

    How good are your Leadership and Communication skills? 

    My own opinion would be that i am half good. I am not inspirational, but i can certainly issue orders and have them followed.

    Do you understand if you are inactive you will be removed from the program?

    Of course. It is needed to maintain the efficiency of the server.

    Give us an Event Idea you would like to produce:

    I have always wanted to create a trench warfare style event that would be a long and arduous affair, consisting of a futuristic WW1 style offensive where a wave of LAATs would bomb the enemy trenches, 91st would destroy enemy comms, 212th would paradrop behind enemy lines, Wolfpack would extract an enemy High Command (General Grevious, or a Deathwatch Commander if this is Mandalore), then a massive offensive would begin where we would use 104th to pilot TX-130s and blitz the enemy trenches, followed by infantry to sweep and clear remaining hostiles, and an enemy surrender over comms. A preceeding event could have been a Defcon 1 Scenario, being shot down over the planet in which the above event takes place.


  3. RP Name: 104th MED HVY MSG Mist

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:163624392

    Age: 14

    Gender: Male

    Time Zone: GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)

    Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum)

    Since I started playing Garry's Mod over one year ago, I always enjoyed RP servers. There was always a community to get into, acquaintances to meet and fun to be had. I had experience on SBS Gaming as an admin for their Clone Wars server (which has since been dropped) and being an admin just helps the feeling of companionship when you play, working hard to keep minges off servers, training new players - you knew everyone before their first event took place, and they knew you. There are tedious parts to being an admin - but when you see the product of your hard work in a thriving community like Synergy, it really makes you proud of what the server has accomplished. Since I started playing on Synergy, I have gone from 25-30 people on at least to 50 people on at almost all time. It is the product of a community, a community i want greater part in.

    Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum)
    I am in Year 10 (10th Grade to the Americans in the community) and I have great interests in broader pictures. I specialize in English, History, Philosophy, Geography, Science and Media studies, which all contributed to my interest in Star Wars lore in the first place (another reason why i was drawn to this server was the high amount of lore inclusion). I sometimes am caught drifting into my own thoughts, as i am a thinker, however a practical one, but without the fear to think deep. I aspire to either become a doctor, dentist or lawyer, all of which require precision, thought and a mind not scared to make decisions, however one not stupid enough to not think about the problem before answering. I yearn for knowledge and experience, because, to put it simply:

    "Experience Outranks Everything." - Captain Rex - Battle of Christophsis

    Prior Admin Experience

    Star By Star Gaming - Clone Wars Server (Shut Down)

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