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About cannedonions

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  1. 3, i tried to translate but got abused
  2. My Staff Application: chairman Staff Application RP Name: chairman (all lowercase) Steam ID: 76561198216539227 VIP (Y/N): N Age: 14.68 Time zone: Eastern Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I really like the server and I think it would be really awesome if I could support the server. I also find myself and many other players in need of rp prop spawns (with a proper reason of course) but feel as if it is too insignificant to contact an admin for. I often find many situations where the conflict could be easily solved if an admin was there when it directly happened, and with most of these interactions being in a remote place, they usually don't get much attention. I would also love to make dupes for the server, as I consider myself to be somewhat decent at GMOD's building system. Mainly I just want to be a larger part of the community and help others along the way. And I want to make the gameplay of this server as enjoyable as possible. Tell us a little about yourself: I consider myself to be very passionate about tasks, and am very driven to get things done. I believe myself to be very outgoing, often finding solutions that others didnt think of. I also consider myself to be a very good listener. Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: Yes ///// I have been a mod on a small darkrp server named Darknir RP which averaged around 15 players, In which the server shut down a while back due to funding issues, recently I have not had any mod experience. I feel as if it is worthy to note that I have successfully trained 4 clone cadets and covered all required subjects and got them whitelisted, with one of them being a former admin. How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?: 34.:28.:58
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